Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Time is Here

I love this little scene
It just reminds me to
appreciate what we have
it may not be much or it may be
but the end is to appreciate whatever your place is.
I remember a few Christmas' like this, highway workers were cutting down trees, so we went and
sawed off a top of one of the trees and brought that home. I had been saving all our 'wishbones', from the past year and they became our ornaments.
Another ornament was eggs that I had hollowed out and hand painted, another Christmas we decorated the tree with Christmas cards we had received.
One year we were so broke the kids got pencils for Christmas... but someone from Church brought gifts and food and even food for the pets...
Do we give back now that we are a little more prosperous... you betcha!!!
This year I am healthy, last year I was soo sick as
was our dog, Argo.
Both the dog and I went to the docs right after Christmas - we were both diagnose wrong.
It almost cost Argo his life and me it just took
longer to get well.
Argo and I are alive, happy, and healthy this holiday season.
Without Christ in our lives and his blessings upon us I don't know how we would have made it though some really rough times... and I am sure we will go though more.... but as one saying is if you are going through hell ... don't stop... just keep going
I like if your year has been a bit rough and it has been one hell of a year.... don't stop...
just keep going
It gets better - eventually - it really does
I truly do wish you all...
a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

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